MAIA/HAIST Workshops

Every semester, MAIA and the Harvard AI Safety Team (HAIST) collaborate to run weekend workshops on AI safety. We gather students, professors, and professionals working on AI safety to discuss and collaborate on the cutting edge of AI safety research and policy.

Express interest here for the Fall 2023 workshops.

  • The students who attend the workshops are generally either members of HAIST or MAIA, or recent alumni of the AI Safety Intro Fellowship or Policy Fellowship run by HAIST and MAIA.

  • The retreat has sessions and talks on both technical and governance/policy topics, but it skews more towards technical. We consider this to be a good balance, as people working on governance/policy benefit from having a strong technical foundation.

  • The workshops will take place over the course of two weekends in October and November.

  • We run two workshops due to space constraints, so the content of the workshops is very similar and participants can attend at most one per semester.

  • The workshops start Friday evening and end Sunday morning. The main activities are talks, small group discussions, and research sprints. Participants are encouraged to attend the whole workshop but we can accommodate minor scheduling constraints.

Joint MAIA and HAIST retreats, where members and intro fellows discussed AI alignment and interacted with researchers from Redwood Research, OpenAI, Anthropic, and more.